Pike Tournament This Weekend

Not sure what to expect here really. A top 10 finish would be amazing though. I think the main thing to do here is to make sure to have an outlined plan of attack, to be ready to completely drop that plan, to fish different depth zones and to cover a lot of water. There will be a lot of boats on the lake, so thinking outside the box could mean a paycheck of 1500$ at the end of the day.

6 Replies to “Pike Tournament This Weekend”

  1. hey buddy, I’m from Cornwall and I’m a fishing fanatic. Just wondering if you know of any good walleye spots around.

  2. Hey (to the guy from Cornwall).

    Walleye are real tough to catch in St-Francis since the water was cleared-up by the zebra mussels. I’d try my luck above the dam near long-Sault. I’ve made some decent catches there last summer.

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