Good times on the ice : And I need a gas auger.

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 Well, the walleye weren’t too cooperative on the weekend but the perch sure were. Some of the perch were eating 3 inch shiners like they were freshwater shrimp. Voracious little buggers. We were using vertical spoons and live minnows. I figure it was about 20 feet deep. Above you see Mike (left) and I with a few jumbos.

I have decided that drilling an 8 inch hole through 35 inches of ice is insane. Mike seems to do this fairly easily but I must be weak or something because man, I tell you it’s not fun at all. By the time I was done drilling my one hole, Mike and Pat were bringing in their first perch. I’m definitely saving up for a gas auger next year.

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Here are Mike and Pat (right) displaying our bounty. The first three were massive. I’m used to the perch in Bainsville. These are giants in comparison. One actually took out drag! All in all we had a blast. My first time fishing in the Long Sault area. We were taunted all weekend by the story of the illusive 10 pounders that roam these waters. A week before we made a few holes someone pulled a 10 pounder out of the same bay, according to the newspaper and the man at the bait shop and Mike, our volunteer guide for the weekend.  Speaking of which, if you’re looking for shiners in Cornwall and like me you don’t like the fact that the Fishing Hut isn’t open until 8 or 9, check out Ron Brunet’s shop (well, shed) on 906 Guy st. (613-932-7682). He’s got every size minnow you’ll ever want and he’s up at 5am.

 Tight lines everyone!

Oh, and don’t let this pic fool you. Mike and Pat caught all the fish. Well, almost. Andre perch1.JPG



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