Catching up, and A Very Productive July 1st Holiday Weekend


Like all good things eventually do, the early season tributary river walleye run on Lake St-Francis has come to an end. Based on what I’ve gathered from people around the area it has been a successful year with decent fish caught daily. Personally this has been one of my best early seasons in terms of quantity and quality of fish.

Locating fish in the spring is fairly easy on Lake St-Francis. The fish are shallow and somewhat predictable. I’m no biologist but it seems to me the big female walleye linger on in the shallows longer than the males do. I tend to find you have a good chance at 5+ pound fish if you push the limits of fishing the shallows. You will likely see numbers of fish decrease but the ones you do catch shallow later in the spring going into early summer will be bigger. Keep in mind here the only ways I am able to differenciate a male or female walleye are size (females are larger) and the texture of their belly (you can tell it housed egg sacks). I am certainly not claiming to state this as fact, but rather sharing my personal observation. I tend to thing the females stay back longer. Perhaps someone can confirm this.

During the post-spawning period the fish are feeding trying to re-gain energy spent spawning. This is when you have a good chance at catching some of the system’s better walleye by targeting the shallows providing you have decent cover (rock or submerged wood are best), flowing water and ideally feeder rivers or creeks nearby. However when the water starts to warm over that 68°-70°F mark the walleye spread out into the main lake basins and become much more difficult to find and to catch. Around June 20th we started off looking for fish in the “in-between areas”. I know where walleye spend the majority of the summer months and where they spawn. Based on that I have found areas on the map where they would be likely to stage temporarily in between spring and summer. This period can be tricky. I tend to look for spots where the water is about 65°-68°F that offer the same cover as the spawning area. In this case, a large shelf close to a deep basin, fed by a creek with good running water and loaded with perch and other forage. There is also plenty of newly green vegetation there, coontail in particular. I’ve caught plenty of pike in this spot in the past during the early season and I figured the weeds were still low enough so that we could get away trolling crankbaits in about 12-14 feet of water. We didn’t find walleye that day but I’m not convinced they weren’t there because we did catch this reasonable musky and my very first Freshwater Drum. Both these species tend to be found in the same areas as walleye.

I’ll take a minute to talk about this fish you see in the video below for a second. Freshwater Drum are a really cool fish. There is something exotic about them; like catching a mix between a redfish or snook on shallow ocean flats, until you snap out of it and realize you’re in Ontario. Other than rare mentions you don’t often read or hear about them, but I have seen them roam the shallows while snorkelling before; particularly just before dark. I’ve also spoken with people who have caught them on jigs in deep water. Freshwater Phil , a regular to this site and Lake St-Francis, tells me their flesh is similar in taste to that of a walleye but that they have a different bone structure and are difficult to fillet. This is probably why they aren’t a very popular game fish. Which is too bad because they sure are fun to catch and it would be interesting to try and target them. But that’s for another time. If you want to find out a little more about them there is a decent write-up about them on wikipedia here.


A few minutes after we released the Drum Mike’s rod bent in half when a young musky was fooled by a fast moving crankbait ripping through the top of the coontails. I’ve noticed that if you find areas where walleye are holding, chances are muskies aren’t too far away. This isn’t a monster by any means but it makes you wonder about the odd bite-offs we get trolling the shallows for walleye every year. I can’t stand leaving a Rapala in a fish’s mouth but there really isn’t much you can do about it because using a leader would all but nil your chances at fooling walleye.


Speaking of Walleye…

I took Monday off on the weekend so I had 4 days to focus on fishing. I loaded up on leeches, minnows and night crawlers and decided to start by targeting deeper fish. I know walleye in the St-Lawrence system will hold very deep in the summer months, especially now that the water is so clear. On Saturday and Sunday the water was still quite cool so I focussed on the first drop-offs in about 35 to 45 feet of water. I’m guessing the weather, strong winds and high gas prices kept the cottagers and sea-doers at bay this weekend because for the most part it felt like we were alone on the water, even on Canada Day with the weather being near perfect for marine activities. Our first day was spent exploring a summer staging area. A few other boats were out there looking for walleye in 50-60 feet of water but the strong east wind really made things rocky. The East wind is deadly on the Lancaster flats area because of a vast opening of water towards Valleyfield to the East. The waves have many kilometres to travel before they reach you so they end up being massive during East winds. Just ask Mike about his experience in the 4-foot swells on Saturday morning. Let’s just say his breakfast was a waste in a hurry. Seeing as Mike didn’t feel so hot we reluctantly and prematurally headed back in empty-handed on the morning of day 1.

That night the wind shifted to the west so I took off on the lake alone after dinner. I located a few huge rock piles that really stirred up the current and focussed on them. I started off jigging 3″ grubs to find active fish and it didn’t take long before I had my first walleye of the weekend on. I lost him at the boat and then had another one grab the twister tail on the grub and rip it off. I also hooked into a few smallmouth including this beauty 18 incher but by that time it was getting pretty dark so I headed in feeling confident that I would find walleye in the morning. This picture is a little strange because I had to set the timer on the camera and it ended up blinding itself out.


Now that I knew where to go, it didn’t take long until we were onto fish on the morning of day 2, and for the remainder of the weekend.


We had the perfect conditions, overcast, walleye-chop and very aggressive fish. I had them concentrated on a rock pile in about 35 feet of water and they were spitting up minnows like crazy. In a matter of 2 hours we boated 8 fish and most were above 2 and a half pounds with two bruisers mixed in. There is nothing like the feeling of a walleye digging for bottom in deep water. These guys were released to fight another day and they gave us one heck of a good time.


The key to getting these big walleyes was definitely good boat control. You need to adapt to the conditions you’re faced with. For example, consider wind direction and speed, and focus on how this will move your boat. The direction of the wind determines your drift route while the speed of the wind will help you choose the best presentation. You don’t want to be fighting the wind constantly with the trolling motor so try and use it to your advantage. The wind is a strong ally to walleye fishermen when used to one’s advantage. You also need to be ready to change your approach at a moment’s notice when there is a change in conditions. For example, a 1/4 ounce jig might be perfect in windless or low-wind conditions, but when that breeze picks up you’ll likely have trouble finding bottom with it so you need to go to something heavier. Complacency is the enemy. The worse thing you can do is assume that if something worked well for you in the past that it will work every time you’re out there. The best thing to do is try a variety of techniques. When you find something that works, rince and repeat until you’ve spooked the fish or they moved out. I’ve caught walleye anchored while throwing light jigs down the current into a deep pocket. I’ve caught them pulling crankbaits against the flow on channel edges, vertical jigging on rock piles, you name it. The key is finding what works that day, at that particular moment because sometimes things will change dramatically in only a few short hours. I also don’t waste my time in a spot if there is nothing there. Keep moving and watch the conditions so you can match your presentation to what mother nature is throwing at you.

The overcast, windy conditions were perfect but they didn’t last. That night after dinner Mike and Amélie wanted to go out so we hopped into Mike’s Lund towards areas where we had caught fish in the morning. The wind had changed and a cold front moved through. The fish weren’t in that same location anymore buy had moved upstream about half a mile. The bigger fish were harder to catch but after a few adaptations in our presentation we did put Amélie onto her first walleye much to her husband Mike’s content. After a few fish about this size were swimming in the livewell we headed in for a bit of filleting and a cold beer. Rough times I tell you.


On the final day of the weekend I headed out with Pat. He ended up being more of a spectator this time around for a reason which eluded us both. He simply couldn’t catch a fish even though he was using the exact same rig I was. As for me, the morning went very well with 5 fish boated and it was the perfect way to end a perfect weekend. At about 11am we headed in for some lunch on a crystal clear, dead calm lake. Later that afternoon when the sun was a its peak we made our way to our favourite underwater island for some snorkelling to end the day, and a fantastic weekend.

Give these deep eyes a try. They won’t disappoint you.

canada-day-walleye-s.jpg< Cheers, Jigger

A Couple of Personal Bests and Gifts from the Zhashagi River.

It had been a while since I went off on a bit of an adventure outside of the Lancaster area. With gas prices being as high as they are you have to pick your battles a little more selectively when opting to pull the boat around to remote areas. I took me between a quarter and half-tank of gas to get from Brockville to Lancaster while pulling the boat. Mind you, in this case it was worth every penny.


I was invited to my new friend Sylvie’s cottage by a long-time friend of mine JP and decided to bring the boat along after hearing about good walleye fishing in the area. JP had never really fished before so I thought this would be a good opportunity for him to get a taste of what it’s all about and perhaps a better understanding of why I’m so…well…obsessed with it. I usually like to name the areas I fish but in this case I will keep it secret because this river is absolutely pristine and virtually untouched by fishermen. I speculate that the reason for its preserved “natural” state is that it was spared from logging because of its shallow waters and low-lying wetland basin not suitable for building on. For the sake of this article I will name this absolute gem of a river the Zhashagi, which in native Ojibwe tongue means “Great Blue Heron” (according to a brief google search anyway). I took the boat upstream a few kilometres with Ken, a long-time visitor of the area from Marathon NY. As soon as we disappeared out of view from the few rustic cottages where we were staying in, I knew I was in a unique place. As we watched fish snatch mayflies around every bend, the loons, hawks, turtles, bull-frogs and many many Blue Herons we encountered seemed to great us with a smile. As we drifted slowly Ken shared 20+ years of hunting and fishing experience he’s had on the river and I immediately felt a spiritual attachment to the area. It is truly wild, extremely fertile, virtually untouched and loaded with fish, birds, insects, amphibians and mammals of all kinds.

When it comes to fishing, the Zhashagi is home to mammoth sized walleye and also large numbers of 2 to 3 pounders. Largemouth bass reaching ridiculous weights (8lbs) and numbers of chunky smallmouth lurk in its dark stained shallow waters as well. Some of the locals were also telling me that pike in the mid-teens and even lower twenties are caught each year in the area. A local of the area Bob, who happens to be one of the friendliest guys you’ll ever come across, insisted that I return in late June for the opening of bass season. Apparently I’m in for a real treat with fish averaging in the 4 pound range. This time around however, I was after walleye.

We arrived fairly late in the day on Saturday and took the opportunity to unwind and settle in. I talked to some of the locals to get a read on the river seeing as there were no hydrographical charts readily available. As soon as I heard stories of walleyes being caught the very same day just up river in the 3 to 5 pound range and of true monsters boated every year I was genuinely excited. JP and I threw a few casts from shore and it didn’t take long to realize this place was full of fish as both a smallmouth and largemouth were quickly fooled by a floating rap. That night, we had a fantastic venison steak dinner followed by a relaxing evening by the bonfire with the other few cottagers in the area. Sylvie and JP were tremendous hosts and really planned out their meals and made sure I was feeling right at home from the get-go. I was immediately swept away by the genuine nature of the people in the area and felt more relaxed than I had in months from the onset of the weekend.


I immediately noticed that the Zhashagi River is similar in size and water colour to two of the local feeder rivers that produce walleyes in Lake St-Francis so I took off solo Sunday morning to see if I could locate fish using methods that have worked for me in more familiar waters. I decided to troll crankbaits to cover water and I opted for an original floating Rapala in the Firetiger pattern. Let’s just say it didn’t take very long for it to yield results. As I neared the first bend in the river just before a shallow shoal my rod bent in half and my drag started to scream. I knew I had a nice fish when I got that “snagged” feeling but with those typical walleye headshakes. At this point I put the boat in reverse for a second, then neutral, and then shut off the engine to try and enjoy the moment a little and also to better evaluate the situation. I seem to think better when the engine is shut off and there really wasn’t anywhere for the fish to go so I just went with the flow and slowing fought the fish. I was working a gravel bottom in about ten feet of water. The only thing working against me was a fairly strong current but seeing as the boat was also at the mercy of the current I steadily fought the fish, keeping constant pressure on it; which is vital with Fireline because it doesn’t have that mono stretch characteristic that acts like a mini-drag. Within about five minutes I got the fish near the boat and that’s when I saw the white spot on the tail and the giant swirl it left on the surface with its massive tail as it desperately tried to head to the bottom. I knew I was tied into my potential best walleye lifetime but I stayed calm knowing that she had at least two of the trebles safely embedded in her jaws. After 4 or 5 valiant efforts to regain deep water and a few headshakes at boat side she rolled over to her side and I gently slipped the net underneath her. While on the subject, I like to keep big fish in the water and use the net as a cradle rather than try and lift them into the boat. It prevents the fish from hurting itself and it also helps avoid huge tangles in your net from a struggling fish with a mouth full of trebles. It’s a safer approach for both you and the fish. Next, I popped the hooks out in about five seconds and she was mine. What a beauty. The picture isn’t the greatest because I had to head back to shore and a young guy there took the pic in a scramble just after waking up but you get the idea. It’s my personal best.


That turned out to be the only big fish of the day but JP and I did manage a few more pike and walleye later that night just in time for dinner. We brought them to the camp and had ourselves an absolute feast of walleye fillets, venison and steak alongside cucumber salad and potatoes cooked in foil wraps on the BBQ and a cold bottle of white wine. It was truly a feast fit for royalty especially when enjoyed in the great outdoors. I really think JP enjoyed the experience. He certainly liked the catching fish part, but I also believe he dicovered the deeper, meditative quality of fishing, its simplicity and its uncanny ability to keep you focussed on something, to help you forget about your daily petty worries and to allow you to deviate from your typical thought pattern. At least that’s what I hope. Maybe he was bored stiff I have no idea. 🙂


The Return Home.…and what a return it was.

I got back into Lancaster last night at about 5pm, dead tired and ready for bed, but it was one of those nights you just have to take advantage of….muggy, calm, warm and inviting, so I asked Pat and Mike if they were up for looking for walleyes in the Raisin. They agreed and we were off.

I hadn’t been in there yet this year so I really wasn’t sure what to expect. We worked our way upstream but found a lot of floating algae and coontails that were starting to grow close to the surface making fishing pretty tough. After a few fruitless passes up and down the river and plenty of removing weeds from crankbaits we headed out to another spot. We found a transitional area between the summer basin and the spawning area. It is a spot where the water temp, colour, depth and bottom structure change dramatically. There were literally enough catfish on the surface to scoop up with a net. We found the walleye concentrated on a small flat holding on a ledge between a deep 25-30 foot hole and a shallow weed edge and man, were they on the feed. I have never seen walleye hit that hard. The interesting thing was that they were almost in a summer pattern hitting very fast moving crankbaits. We were trolling a lot faster than I’m used to and it seemed to trigger very aggressive and numerous strikes. In four passes over the area we caught two fish, one being a monster and the other a 2-pounder that fought like at 6-pound smallmouth. We also missed one because I got lazy and didn’t sharpen my hooks after a few fish and scrapes on bottom. Here’s a little video of the action.


Yes I know that was a lot of talk for such a small fish. I swear it hit like a 10-pounder! 🙂 It must have had me stuck in a rock because I was unable to move it for a minute. Either that or it was one of those mutant super-human steroid fish.
The larger fish was a true beauty and by the time we caught her it was virtually pitch dark out. It was Mike’s first walleye in his new boat and also his personal best by far. It hit like a tons of bricks about half an hour after sunset. Mike’s rod just stopped dead in the water to the point where he thought he’s jammed the #11 Rapala in between some large rocks, until the rod started to transfer the huge head shakes that is. After a worthy fight, the beast was in the net. We quickly took a few pics and released her. This one earned Mike some well-deserved congrats from Pat and I. It gave him (and us) the rush of a lifetime, and the best thing is that he decided to let her go so she’s still out there.


Fishing for walleyes on the feed as the sun is setting is extremely exciting, especially once it starts getting dark. Knowing that a monster eye could strike at any time while you can barely see anything beyond the boat leaves you with quite the impression. The one thing is that I recommend if you try this however is that you make sure your boat is tidied up and that you know where everything is (especially plyers, hook removers, other rods, the net etc). Things change at night, and a misplaced crankbait with three sets of trebles can quickly ruin your outing in more ways than one. Although If you take a few minutes to prepare for darkness before it sets in the results can be trophy sized walleye and, in this case, a personal record fish and the thrill of a lifetime.
This weekend was supposed to be about unwinding and recharging the battery. Not only did it exceed my expectations in that regard, It also turned out to be the foundation of memories that will remain with me forever. Until next time, tight lines and good luck, Jigger.


New Beginings, A FewThoughts, and The 2008 Season is Officially Underway!


Before we get started it’s worth mentioning that there have been some changes in the territorial zones the MNR uses to manage fishing regulations in Ontario. In a nutshell, they have restructured their former 37 Divisions into 20 broader Zones that cover a much larger area. Although the MRN claims that this change was brought forth to improve the ease of fisheries resource management by better defining boundaries and reducing sometimes confusing exceptions, I suspect this to be the result of low funding from a government that simply doesn’t place its priorities in wildlife management and fishing and hunting. I believe they were finding themselves unable to meet the staffing requirements needed to maintain, regulate and enforce the old system. If you want more information about this please follow this link to the explanation provided on the MNR website.

Much to my dismay, I rarely if ever see Conservation Officers on Lake St-Francis and I suspect that with an even broader area to cover they will become even more illusive. The OPP is out there and will check fishing permits, but they are more concerned with drinking out on the water. With stories of bags of perch being caught during the spawning period prior to the season opening one would wish that the government allocate the necessary enforcement measures to help catch and penalize the cheaters. Unfortunately year after year it seems certain people believe themselves to have the right to catch and sell perch out of season. Not only is this practice extremely arrogant in the sense that it indicates that these individuals believe themselves to be the sole owners and users of the resource but it is also very frustrating to the vast majority of local fishermen who follow the regulations. Above the dam in Long-Sault I recall seeing Conservation Officers on many visits. On one occasion when many people were out catching walleye on the ice at Ault Island the MNR Officers had blocked the only road leading in and out and they systematically verified every vehicle leaving that night asking for permits and checking limits. I have never seen anything similar that in Lancaster or the area. I’ve seen the MNR trucks around here and there but that’s it. I am concerned that the already understaffed Conservation Officers will now have an even broader area to cover meaning that more and more illegal fishing will be allowed to occur in the area. Also, due to the re-shuffling of the former WMU 65 into zone 28 that encompasses a much broader area there will be no more April pike fishing on Lake St-Francis. This is a part of the season I will sorely miss. Sometimes I felt as though I was the only person who craved pike fishing in April just after ice-out. I was often literally alone on the lake and large pikes were readily hitting baits in shallow water and were easy to find. It’s too bad that this April tradition is now over.

Now let’s get back to fishing.

There are moments in a year we all look forward to and eagerly anticipate. For some it’s the magic of Christmas Eve, a wedding anniversary, a vacation or a trip. For others it’s a festival, a sporting event or a visit from friends or relatives who they rarely get to see. For many of us around Lake St-Francis however the second Saturday in May is the date on the calendar we circle many months in advance. That weekend marks the opening of the perch and walleye season on the lake, and new to this year the pike season also. My cousin-in-law Mike just bought himself a brand new Lund 1625 Rebel SS and lucky for me he and his wife (my cousin) Amélie live only a few houses down the road from my place on Lake St-Francis. This boat, seen in the picture at the top of this post and in the perching video below is an absolute jewel to fish in. It’s like fishing out of your living room. I was extremely impressed with the hull of the boat. It’s a deep-V and is very bulky and stable in the water. We had it out in some decent chop on Sunday afternoon and it cut the waves very smoothly at high speeds and spray was a non-factor. The boat is very wide, and the storage areas are numerous and spacious, thus creating a lot of space and an extremely comfortable fishing experience. Three people can fish very comfortably without feeling cramped one bit. What I really appreciated was the stability of the boat in the water and the spacious interior, not to mention its very slick look overall. The package came with a 50HP 2-stroke Merc which moves the boat fairly well but it could use a more powerful engine, a 72 pound thrust bow-mount trolling motor and a basic sonar unit. The livewell is huge and fully equipped with a place to put your minnow bucket. I think Mike will be very happy with his purchase for many years to come.

Perch opener May 08


Although he was reluctant to go out for perch because he wanted to try his luck with walleye Mike agreed to make Saturday morning a perch outing. With the water being cold for this time of year at 51 degrees, when we got out on the water I stood in front of the boat and we looked for perch schools in the shallow bay near Glengarry Park and Westley’s Point thinking fish might still be in spawning mode. The very shallow water looked pretty much deserted so we used the wind to drift out towards deeper water and found perch with the Aqua-Vue on the first drop-off out of the bay in about 15 feet of water. From that moment on the action was fast and furious. We literally couldn’t let out rigs hit the bottom without getting hit as the perch were really aggressive, biting with conviction and very numerous. They were spitting up a lot of minnows so we caught them during feeding time for sure. We released quite a few but got some real nice ones here and there. I had come up with a rigging system the night before that uses a drop loop variation knot that reduces the length of the snell, meaning that tangling is a non-factor. The rigs worked out very well. I love catching perch on an ultra-light rod. I use a St-Croix ultralight with a tiny Quantum spinning reel and I absolutely love the feel of a jumbo trying to stay on bottom on that outfit. I stick to 4 pound test mono, #6 Mustad Ultrapoint coloured bait hooks tipped with a minnow hooked through the eyes, as light a bell sinker I can get away with and I seem to do quite well. The idea is to think ultra-finesse approach. As you can see in the video below we had a fantastic time. After a couple hours of furious action Amélie called us and we picked her up at the dock. She helped us fill the livewell by boating about 15 perch. At noon, we decided we had plenty of work cut out for us in terms of cleaning fish so we headed in for the day. For me perch fishing is all about savouring the moment and enjoying the simple act of being outdoors with the smells and sounds of the lake. There is something truly mesmerizing and arguably therapeutic about it. I can’t think of a more relaxing thing to do on a nice day.


We had a few hours to kill on Sunday afternoon and despite the strong East wind we decided to head to the Stumps for a bit of shallow water pike action. I threw a Rattlin’ Rap around the sunken logs, Pat switched between a huge white spinnerbait tipped with a long plastic worm and a large spoon and Mike started off chugging a blue Husky Jerk but also switched to a Rattlin’ Rap when we realized that noise and flash were the way to go that day. We only ended up being out for an hour or so but we managed to boat 3 small pikes. Don’t mind Pat with his comments about me in this video. He’s just jealous.

Fight with a small pike and release

Lake St-Francis small pike release at the Stumps

Pat Fighting a pike

Overall I had a fantastic weekend. It started with fast perch action and ended with a perch feast on Sunday. I can’t complain, well, other than the fact that fishing in my boat suddenly doesn’t seem very enticing. Something tells me we’ll be using Mike’s Lund a little more than my old Sea Nymph this summer.

A Moment I Will Not Soon Forget

November 8th 2007 will forever be etched in my memory. We had been hunting for 3 days and the gang was dwindling. Some of the guys had to work so we were down to 5 and dogging bushes was getting tough. Wednesday was a dry day and faces were getting longer and longer on all of us as a sense of discouragement slowly set in. The deer found the holes between doggers and watchers rather easily and we were getting worried about the rest of the day. Heck, we even contemplated quitting for the day and going our own ways to tree stands. Instead we decided to concentrate our efforts on smaller bushes, hoping that we’d push something out and get lucky. It turned out to be an excellent decision.
It was about 10am and a cold one at 3 or 4 degrees C with clear skies and a steady annoying east wind when we almost reluctantly headed to the backyard of one of the guys we hunt with. We were going to push a small bush, and by small I mean the size of a football field, in the hopes of finding a buck that he’d seen there over the summer a few times hiding from the more heavily hunted larger bushes in the area. We lined up three guys on the east side of the property in a huge hay field. (The area on the right where I point to in the video) There was a large bush on the east side of this field that looked like a perfect place for a deer to run at the time especially given the east wind. Deer typically will run away from doggers going into the wind rather than with the wind. I wasn’t overly concerned about the south side of the bush (where I point to in the video below) because there really wasn’t anywhere for a deer to run that way. Boy was I wrong. Nearing the end of the push, when I could actually see one of the doggers (Pat), I heard him call out on the CB that something just got up ten feet in front of him and it was “something huge”. This caught me off guard because I was almost ready to unload and thinking about which bush to push next. What happened next is nothing short of extraordinary. A buck with a huge rack ran straight south into a corn field along the fence line. He was in full throttle and about 150 yards away from me. I thought about not shooting but I figured I had a chance since I knew my gun was perfectly lined up and that he was in the open. I lead the deer by about 12 feet in my scope, took a deep breath and fired. He jumped up and his knees buckled a little so I knew he was hit. He only made it another 100 feet and then stepped broadside and fell into the plowed corn. He was down and out.
I started jumping up and down and couldn’t believe what had just happened until Leo reminded me that I should collect myself and reload in case something else came out. When we approached him it was like a dream. The size of this buck for the area was astounding, even from 200 yards away. The rack was thick and long. He turned out to be a ten point weighing in at 244lbs field dressed. I brought it to Imbeault’s butcher shop in Valleyfield today where he quickly drew a crowd. They had already processed over 1000 deer this year and he was the biggest yet. He was also the biggest buck seen by the gang I hunt with in the 20 years they’ve been hunting this area.
I’m headed to Leroux’s Taxidermy in Sainte-Justine tonight because this one is going on the wall. This has truly been one of the most intense experiences of my life; buck of a lifetime? Maybe, maybe not, but one thing is for certain, he gave me the thrill of a lifetime.
244lbs (field dressed) 10 Point Lancaster Buck

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